Your Guide to Healing IBS
Gut Health Dietitian | Functional Medicine
Your Guide to
Healing IBS |
Gut Health Dietitian |
Functional Medicine
Do you feel like no one is listening to you when you ask why you are having stomach problems?
Are you looking for the perfect diet for IBS and just can’t find something that works for you?
Maybe you have Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis and you are wondering what foods to eat and what foods to avoid because everyone says something different?
Or you landed here because you have an upset stomach, inflammation, diarrhea or other IBS symptoms and you just want to know how to heal!
Well, at least I used to.
Diagnosed with Crohn’s disease over 20 years ago, I have been dismissed by doctors and afraid to eat because I didn’t want to feel poorly or mess up my stomach even more.
It was the worst.
I knew there had to be an answer, an easier way to know which handout to follow and who to trust online.
I knew that if I could figure out my symptoms, I could use the years of feeling misunderstood and scared to create a solution for other women who were fighting an invisible battle all by themselves.
Helps you understand what is going on inside your body and how to feel better right away
Teaches you how to understand which foods are best for your body and how to conduct an elimination diet that works for your food preferences, comfort in the kitchen, lifestyle, and schedule
How to grocery shop and meal plan without being a “wellness girlie” or spending hours in the kitchen
How to easily navigate travel and restaurants with an upset stomach and food sensitivities
Exactly which actions you can take to tweak your lifestyle in favor of gut health TODAY to build a strong foundation for healthy hormones and healthy aging
All about supplements, including which brands and forms work best for each of your symptoms and health concerns
BONUSES including how to navigate holiday events with IBS and Colitis
Imagine if in six weeks you had taken back control over your body instead of spending another year missing out on social events and hoping this year would be different.
Imagine walking into a work event and feeling confident about the food and drink choices you can make.
This is all possible with The Gut Restoration.
About Your Instructor
Molly Ostrander ms, rdn, ifncp
Molly is a Registered Dietitian who specializes in gastrointestinal disease and disorder. Prior to being a Dietitian, she spent over 15 years as a professional chef.
The main force behind this practice is Molly’s own experience with Crohn's Disease. Diagnosed at age 14, she spent a lifetime seeking alternatives to multiple courses of steroids (using the phone book!) and wishing that her practitioners had the time to really address the whole picture.
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